17 Dub
1. Make a drive image
# pv -tpreb /dev/sdb | dd of=/mnt/backup/disk_image.img bs=1M
2. Detect mount offset (mount offset=sector size*partition start)
# fdisk -l /mnt/backup/disk_image.img
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17 Dub
Create image from disk /dev/sdb to image file /mnt/backup/disk_image.img. BS is for speedup.
# pv -tpreb /dev/sdb | dd of=/mnt/backup/disk_image.img bs=1M
Tranfer preview:
932GB 2:46:17 [95,6MB/s] [=============================================>] 100%
09 Bře
This is a virtual database so you will need to add the option –skip-events to make it work.
02 Led
Try to enable ugly LibreOffice native dialogs
Menu "Tools" -> "Options..." -> "General" -> In section "Open/Save dialogs" just enable "Use LibreOffice dialogs"
29 Pro
Try this workaround:
mysqldump -uroot --events --ignore-table=mysql.event mysql
11 Srp
Jsou to přesně čtyři roky, co mi ukradli moji motorku Suzuki GSX-R 600.
Tento týden jsem narazil na inzerát, kdy byla prodáváná motorka stejného vzhledu a nyní již mohu pouze radostně konstatovat, že to byla ta moje…

Ukradená GSX-R 600 Corona
24 Čvc
Problem is obviously in file ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc
Try to fix it by typing:
cp ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc.old
rm ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc
sudo reboot
Warnig – all you plasma settings will be lost…
24 Čvc
I always get an error:
$ lftp user@server:/directory
ls: Fatal error: Certificate verification: Not trusted
To fix this issue run simple command in lftp shell
set ssl:verify-certificate no
or disble certificate verification in lftp configuration file
echo "ssl:verify-certificate no" >> ~/.lftp/rc
14 Čvc
[ George Carlin (Intro) ]
Politicians are put there
to give you the idea that
you have freedom of choice.
You don’t. You have no choice.
You have owners. They own you.
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