Hodžův blog

17 Dub

HowTo: Mounting a image file made with dd or dd_rescue

1. Make a drive image
# pv -tpreb /dev/sdb | dd of=/mnt/backup/disk_image.img bs=1M

2. Detect mount offset (mount offset=sector size*partition start)
# fdisk -l /mnt/backup/disk_image.img
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17 Dub

HowTo: copy disk (image) using dd command with progressbar

Create image from disk /dev/sdb to image file /mnt/backup/disk_image.img. BS is for speedup.
# pv -tpreb /dev/sdb | dd of=/mnt/backup/disk_image.img bs=1M
Tranfer preview:
932GB 2:46:17 [95,6MB/s] [=============================================>] 100%

09 Bře

HowTo fix Warning: Couldn’t execute ‚show events‘: Access denied for user ‚root’@’localhost‘ to database ‚performance_schema‘ (1044)

This is a virtual database so you will need to add the option –skip-events to make it work.

02 Led

HowTo Fix: Libreoffice crashes when saving document

Try to enable ugly LibreOffice native dialogs
Menu "Tools" -> "Options..." -> "General" -> In section "Open/Save dialogs" just enable "Use LibreOffice dialogs"

29 Pro

HowTo fix Warning: Skipping the data of table mysql.event. Specify the –events option explicitly.

Try this workaround:
mysqldump -uroot --events --ignore-table=mysql.event mysql

03 Lis

Selo N Ludy (Село і Люди)

Tyhle předělávky mě opravdu baví. Začněte třeba klasikou od Nirvany nebo od Bon Joviho.

01 Yellow Submarine.mp3
02 In The Army Now.mp3
03 It’s My Life.mp3
04 Satisfaction.mp3
05 Poison.mp3
06 Still Loving You.mp3
07 Pretty Woman.mp3
08 Losing My Religion.mp3
09 Enter Sandman.mp3
10 Thunderstruck.mp3
11 Smells Like Teen Spirit.mp3

11 Srp

Motorka nelezena!

Jsou to přesně čtyři roky, co mi ukradli moji motorku Suzuki GSX-R 600.
Tento týden jsem narazil na inzerát, kdy byla prodáváná motorka stejného vzhledu a nyní již mohu pouze radostně konstatovat, že to byla ta moje…

Suzuki GSX-R 600

Ukradená GSX-R 600 Corona

24 Čvc

Qutim & KDE – There is no tray icon

Problem is obviously in file ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc

Try to fix it by typing:
cp ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc.old
rm ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc
sudo reboot

Warnig – all you plasma settings will be lost…

24 Čvc

lftp – Fatal error: Certificate verification: Not trusted

I always get an error:
$ lftp user@server:/directory
ls: Fatal error: Certificate verification: Not trusted

To fix this issue run simple command in lftp shell
set ssl:verify-certificate no
or disble certificate verification in lftp configuration file
echo "ssl:verify-certificate no" >> ~/.lftp/rc

14 Čvc

ANONYMOUS – Illuminati Song with complete lyrics (George Carlin, Bill Maher, Peter Finch)


[ George Carlin (Intro) ]
Politicians are put there
to give you the idea that
you have freedom of choice.
You don’t. You have no choice.
You have owners. They own you.
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