Hodžův blog

05 Říj

DNSSEC in BIND & Fast validation

Edit Bind config file
vi /etc/bind/named.conf.options
options {
dnssec-enable yes;
dnssec-validation auto;

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24 Zář

Error „Hardware RAID is disabled via NVRAM Controller setting“

# Show controller slots
ssacli ctrl all show config
# Disable HBA Mode
ssacli controller slot=0 modify hbamode=off
# Recheck controller status
ssacli controller slot=0 show

21 Zář

Sync time on Windows 2019 server

# Set NTP servers
w32TM /config /syncfromflags:manual /manualpeerlist:pool.ntp.org /update
# Restart the time service
net stop w32time && net start w32time
# Resync the time
w32tm /resync
# Verify status
w32tm /query /status

21 Zář

Failed to establish secure connection: sslv3 alert handshake failure: 1040

Debian 10 (Buster) + latest NSClient++ on Windows 2019 server

root@nagios:/# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H -c check_ad
CHECK_NRPE: (ssl_err != 5) Error - Could not complete SSL handshake with 1

2019-09-21 18:30:46: error:c:\source\master\include\socket/connection.hpp:273: Seems we other end is not using ssl: unknown protocol
2019-09-21 18:30:46: error:c:\source\master\include\socket/connection.hpp:274: Please review the ssl option as well as ssl options in settings.
2019-09-21 18:30:48: error:c:\source\master\include\socket/connection.hpp:276: Failed to establish secure connection: sslv3 alert handshake failure: 1040

Quick FIX:
1. Generate DH key on Linux machine (it takes a long time)
openssl dhparam -C 2048 2> /dev/null|sed -n '/BEGIN/,/END/p'
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18 Zář

Convert Windows Server 2019 Eval to Server Standard

DISM /online /Get-CurrentEdition
DISM /online /Get-TargetEditions
DISM /online /Set-Edition:ServerStandard /ProductKey:N69G4-B89J2-4G8F4-WWYCC-J464C /AcceptEULA
slmgr.vbs /upk
slmgr.vbs /ipk your_mak_key
slmgr.vbs /ato

Official KMS client keys

14 Čvc

Jak dešifrovat heslo z Remminy

…aneb když zapomenete přihlašovací údaje.

Hesla v remmině jsou zašifrována pomocí blokové šifry 3DES s 256bitovým (náhodně vygenerovaným) klíčem.
Klíč lze nalézt (Kubuntu 18.04) v souboru ~/.config/remmina/remmina.pref (na řádce začínající slovem „secret=“). Jednotlivá zašifrovaná hesla pak jsou v souborech ~/.local/share/remmina/*.remmina (řádek začínající klíčovým slovem „password=“).

K dešifrování poslouží tento krátký skript v Pythonu (nahraďte položky TAJNY_SECRET a TAJNE_HESLO
import base64
from Crypto.Cipher import DES3
secret = base64.decodestring('TAJNY_SECRET')
password = base64.decodestring('TAJNE_HESLO')
print DES3.new(secret[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)

P.S. K plné funkčnosti skriptu v *buntu bude nejspíše nutné doinstalovat balíček python-crypto
# sudo apt install python-crypto

27 Led

IPSEC tunnel from Check Point to Mikrotik

Check Point configuration:
IP address WAN:
IP address LAN:
Username: johndoe
Password: mysecret
Shared secret: 12345678

Mikrotik configuration:
/interface l2tp-client
add connect-to= disabled=no ipsec-secret=12345678 name=l2tp-checkpoint password="mysecret" use-ipsec=yes user=johndoe
/ip ipsec proposal
set [ find default=yes ] enc-algorithms=3des pfs-group=none
/ip route
add distance=1 dst-address= gateway=l2tp-checkpoint

22 Led

Zapnutí DNSSEC na Windows 2016

DnsCmd.exe /Config /enablednssec 1

13 Led

Getent passwd dosen’t show all users of LDAP server (Can’t receive more than 500 entries)

Quick fix:
echo "dn: cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcSizeLimit
olcSizeLimit: 10000" > olcSizeLimit.ldif

ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f olcSizeLimit.ldif

13 Led

SSL Library Error: 185073780 key values mismatch

When installing a certificate on Apache web server, you might receive an error SSL Library Error: 185073780 error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch during restart of Apache service.

Most often, this error appears if you are using an incorrect private key along with the certificate you received from the Certificate Authority. In order for Apache to accept certificate, it should be used with the private key generated along with the CSR code submitted for the certificate activation.

You can check whether the certificate matches the private key using the following openssl commands:

openssl x509 -in certificate.crt -noout -modulus | openssl sha1
openssl rsa -in private.key -noout -modulus | openssl sha1

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