Zapnutí DNSSEC na Windows 2016
DnsCmd.exe /Config /enablednssec 1
Perform the following actions: 1. Run regedit.exe and locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Endpoint Backup key. Create the following value under this key:Name = Recreatedatabase Type = DWORD Value = 1 2. Go to Control panel > Administrative Tools and run Services. Restart the Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows service. A new database instance will be created (this usually […]
Microsoft opět boduje. Po aktualizaci Windows Outlook z větší části nemluví česky ale švédsky. Řešení je naštěstí jednoduché – odinstalujte KB4011086 a následně ho v ovládacích panelech – aktualizacích skryjte. Rychlý fix: msiexec /package {90120000-001A-040E-0000-0000000FF1CE} /uninstall {BBE4FD45-34D1-4497-8F75-77965C4E044D} /qn /quiet /norestart psexec \\CLIENT „msiexec.exe“ /package „{90120000-001A-040E-0000-0000000FF1CE} /uninstall {BBE4FD45-34D1-4497-8F75-77965C4E044D} /qn /quiet /norestart“
1) Open notepad. 2) Copy the below code. [Shell] Command=2 IconFile=explorer.exe,3 [Taskbar] Command=ToggleDesktop 3) Save the file with the name ShowDesktop.scf some where on your system or on your desktop. 4) Drag and drop the file to the Quick launch area. That’s it…